LuKreme wrote:

> On 5-Dec-2009, at 13:58, Per Jessen wrote:
>> No legislation is any good without enforcement.  Provided you have
>> both and the enforcement is "heavy handed", spam is not a problem.
> Show where spam is not a problem? Spammers are immune to the law
> because they are largely untrackable. 

I didn't say nor meant to imply that a single countrys legislation would
be  sufficient.  When there are many countries that send virtually no
spam, it's because they have legislation, enforcement and a suitable
infrastructure to prevent it.  Implement the same legislation+
enforcement+infrastructure everywhere else and spam is gone.  
Of course there are millions of reasons why it will never happen, for
instance countries who explicitly allow spamming. 

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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