I'm running spamassassin version 3.3.1-1 from the Debian  package. I added
several RBLs to /etc/mail/spamassassin/init.pre but spamassassin only
queries its built in RBLs and not the ones I added. An example RBL entry to
init.pre is shown below:

header IN_NJABL_ORG    rbleval:check_rbl('njabl','dnsbl.njabl.org.')
describe IN_NJABL_ORG  Received via a relay in dnsbl.njabl.org
tflags IN_NJABL_ORG    net
score IN_NJABL_ORG      5

I also find messages that aren't tagged as being in an RBL that are listed
in cbl.abuseat.org and zen.spamhaus.org which should be automatically
checked by spamassassin using the default configuration. As mentioned before
other (built-in) RBL checks work. Any hints as to why my custom RBL checks
added to init.pre (and also tried local.cf) aren't queried after restarting


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