On 19/08/2016 11:58, Axb wrote:

Does it also support adding 3rd party (native Perl) plugins?
or are you tied to the precomplied collection delivered by JAM?

Jams product runs with Perl - so any perl plugins provided for Spamassassin should work on the windows versions too. FYI: if you have a windows environment available, why not download the free version: http://www.jam-software.com/spamassassin/download.shtml, install and take a look around. (The free version is SA as we know it without Jam's 'special' tailoring that the paying users get).

Many subscribers just don't have the patience and *instead of just ignoring the thread*, display a tendency to preach or worse, overwhelm the beginner with info they can't process.

Yeah, and thats the problem. "Instead of ignoring the thread" they feel it necessary to waste their, and everyone elses time with non-relevant and sometimes hostile drivvle. People should just turn off, have a drink, take 5 or unsubscribe if they dont like what they read. Not everyone will have the same opinion and no one has THE only opinion in the world.

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