On Sat, 21 Jan 2017 16:35:12 -0000, David Jones <djo...@ena.com> wrote:

I think the "barrier to entry" is too difficult for most. I would have to
setup a new MX on a domain without MTA checks (DNS and RBL) then
create a honeypot email address to attract spam if I didn't have established
recipient addresses/mailboxes.

I may be wrong but I don't believe the majority of the current masscheckers have honeypots in place. I also believe that at least some have some form of filtering in place - in fact the most common filtering in place is the manual classification since I bet most of us come across the odd message that we second guess and just put to one side.

Then I would have to setup an SA development
environment with scripts to keep it up-to-date from SVN and compiled regularly.

I forget the exact steps involved for running the checks because basically I set it up and largely forget about it, but essentially it was grab an svn copy of SpamAssassin, pick one of the various helper scripts, create a config and let cron deal with the daily workload of updating/checking/submitting - it's all done in the helper scripts. You can write your own if you like too, but in the various options out there one stands a good chance of meeting your needs.

I only really have to think about it when I move my masschecks to a new machine.

Finally I would need to manually categorize the ham and spam.

Okay, I agree this part involves doing stuff regularly. The amount will vary depending on how active you are. Personally? If I am confident a mail is ham or spam then I am confident that mail could be used for both bayes training and masschecking. I was going to do that classification anyway so it's not really any extra for me.

Sure, I could spend more time working to get a few extra samples etc. but I have found my personal happy balance in terms of input vs output. You're not expected to neglect your pets to make it perfect. Just, if anyone has the ability to help out (even a little bit) it might be handy.

What could be just as helpful as actually running masschecks might be looking at the current documentation and poking at it with a stick. Maybe it does need tweaking to sound less complicated (I think it's improved over the years but maybe not enough). It sounds as if there are a couple of things that could be looked at, perhaps there are more.

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