Just spotted my first snow with the TLD ".jetzt".
It's selling for $1.88 at NameCheap so should become widespread.

On Sat, 05 Nov 2016, at 11:54, @lbutlr (kreme.com) wrote:
>We get some (very little) real mail from info, biz, and name domains.
>All the other new domains are on a "prove you're not terrible"
>status. So far the only one to graduated is .name.

Yes, that's pretty much my approach. :)

Note that the ratio of ham to spam for ".email" has risen 
significantly, with several legit Muggle organizations 
(e.g. acronis, movietickets) buying and using that TLD of their
base name.
Even otherwise-Giga-Geeky "stackoverflow" has joined that trend.

I'm still killing that TLD by default, but have significantly
dropped its score in my FP pipeline.
        - "Chip"

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