Comments inline below (a bit fuzzy from the move yet).

On 12/8/2012 9:58 AM, vicky wrote:

I have read the Tomcat 6.0 classloader documentation(below link),
from this what i understood is that the
"classes/jar/resource/properties file" get loaded  from the following

1.Bootstrap classes of your JVM  ($JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext). 2.System
class loader classes  ( Add bootstrap.jar & tomcat-juli.jar to
CLASSPATH variable) 3.Common class loader classes ( refers
$CATALINA_BASE/lib  & $CATALINA_HOME/lib ) & uses
$CATALINA_BASE/conf/ 4. /WEB-INF/classes of your
web application 5. /WEB-INF/lib/*.jar of your web application

The thing which is still puzzling me is that how my
"resource/properties files" get loaded to Tomcat CLASSPATH when i add
them to "$CATALINA_BASE/bin" directory & When i move the same files
to $CATALINA_BASE/conf directory then it doesn't get added to Tomcat

My deployed applications need"properties/resource files ", Can
someone please help me in understand the optimal way of adding these
files to Tomcat CLASSPATH. Does placing the files under
<CATALINA_BASE>/bin is the right approach.Please suggest

Why in the world are you adding these resource files to Tomcat's CLASSPATH? If the resources are application - specific, you don't need to do this at all.

Just add the files to your local application. In Maven, there's a special directory for that:


In NetBeans, I normally create a separate package for all of my configuration files.

I think in Eclipse you'll have to make a subdirectory under WEB-INF/classes and copy the files there. That's unpleasant. Eclipse will include that in the build of the WAR file when you do an "export".

Then, just do the following in your code to reference the resource.

InputStream in =

Where configfile is the complete classpath to your resource.

This is nice. It works in exploded WARs, it works in WAR files, it works in JARs.

No mucking about with CLASSPATH. No polluting other applications or Tomcat with spurious application - specific resources. This enables you to run several copies of the same web application in the same container, all with different configurations.

Just search for getResourceAsStream() for more explanation.

In my organisation i cannot add anything to "$CATALINA_HOME/lib or
bin" location ,these are read only directories
Thanks for your help Vicky

Not needed.

________________________________ From: Pid * <> To:
Tomcat Users List <> Sent: Saturday, 8
December 2012 10:34 PM Subject: Re: Tomcat 6.0 CLASSPATH query

On 8 Dec 2012, at 03:29, ""
<> wrote:

Application is deployed under tomcat webapps directory . It tries
to refer to application specific properties file from tomcat
classpath, for that we copied it under tomcat bin directory.

My query is that does this is the right way to add properties file
to tomcat classpath?

Did you try putting it in tomcat/lib?


Thanks for ur help, Vicky

On Dec 8, 2012, at 2:11 AM, Christopher Schultz
<> wrote:



On 12/7/12 11:48 AM, vicky wrote:
I have a requirement in which i need to add couple of
properties files to tomcat CLASSPATH as these are needed for my
application deployed in Tomcat 6.0.

One strange thing is that, i need to add the all my properties
files to "<CATALINA_BASE>/bin" directory else these all wont
get added to Tomcat classpath.

Where does the code live that attempts to load those properties

- -chris

. . . just my (I hate moving) 2 cents

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