Am 26.01.2016 um 10:40 schrieb André Warnier (tomcat):
On 26.01.2016 10:19, Christoph P.U. Kukulies wrote:
Am 26.01.2016 um 09:36 schrieb Christoph P.U. Kukulies:
Am 25.01.2016 um 19:34 schrieb George Sexton:

On 1/25/2016 3:52 AM, Christoph P.U. Kukulies wrote:
Thanks. Will give that a try.

How can I tell, which java engine Tomcat is actually using?

At a CMD prompt I'm getting:

C:\> java -version
java version "1.8.0_71"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_71-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.71-b15, mixed mode)

If you have a utility that shows what open files the Tomcat process has, that would work. Alternatively, get the Manager application running and see what information it
provides under the Server Status screen.

That made me ask myself, whether the parameters and settings I can see and set through
the manager (tomcat6w.exe) are those that the
Windows7 service really "sees" at startup.

Would like to have added -Xmx768m to the startup parameters. Looking into the registry
I can only see the ImagePath that is started ("c:\Program
Files\Apache_Group\Tomcat_6.0.39\bin\tomcat6.exe" //RS//Tomcat6), the paramters
Key is empty.

Or does tomcat6w write these parameters elsewhere?


Sorry, discard my question above. I forgot for the moment that -Xmx is a Java parameter,
not Tomcat.
Nonetheless would be interesting to know, where the configurator puts its parameter
settings and
how one can control whether the jvm parameters are really effective.


Maybe time to read the FAQ ?

OK, fine. I read it and understood about tomcat6.exe being a wrapper that starts the jvm etc.
Explains a lot.
Logging is fine also. This enabled me to discover that the jvm options have to put in one line one by one.
I had -Xms512m - Xmx1024m in one line causing the service start to fail.


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