On 6/25/2021 8:58 PM, Eric Robinson wrote:
We can run 75 to 125 instances of tomcat on a single Linux server with 12 cores 
and 128GB RAM. It works great. CPU is around 25%, our JVMs are not throwing 
OOMEs, iowait is minimal, and network traffic is about 30Mbps. We're happy with 
the results.

Now we're upping the ante. We have a 48-core server with 1TB RAM, and we're 
planning to run 600+ tomcat instances on it simultaneously. What caveats or 
pitfalls should we watch out for? Are there any hard limits that would prevent 
this from working as expected?

I'm a lurker here. I have some experience with Tomcat, but most of my experience is with other Apache projects.

I'm hoping that my question mirrors what the experienced folks around here are thinking:

For something like this ... why are you running so many multiple instances? Why not run one instance, or a few of them, and have each one handle many many webapps? I bet you'll find that the overall memory requirements go way down, because there will be far fewer instances of Java running.

Maybe you've got good reasons for the architecture you have chosen ... but it seems like a complete waste of resources to me.


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