Hi guys,

Thanks a million for your helpful replies. I suppose I get your points and
seem to me you all talk along same principle line but focus may be on
different segments. So all suggestions and ideas appear coherent to me.
Initial support requirement should be very basic, e.g. not including video,
gift shop, search or even no blog. The full support may come into being in 2
years time.

This is what I am planning to do (tomcat, mySQL have been setup already),
will start from one may show in the very beginning, while always keeping an
open mind.

   1. Design the general architecture of the site (look/feel, page
   structure, work flow, assets)

   1. Study some stuff



dwr https://dwr.dev.java.net/



relevant J2EE API documentation bundle


   1. Coding will start from static pages first then into dynamic and
   multimedia ones.

   1. Looking for readily available components/packages which satisfy my
   requirements, but maybe not a grand platform/framework!? (Still not 100/%
   sure since in general, with an appropriate framework, it may have packaged
   all those components/packages I need – not sure if such a framework/platform
   does exist though!)

Still a very long way to go. Any guidance would be most appreciated!

Best regards to all of you.


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