Hi Nikhil,

Nikhil schrieb:
I have no problems in using mod_jk but could not figure out the ways of
passing the remote_user variable effectively to the tomcat instance....
would also desire to have a scalability that with a single httpd instance
supporting the multiple tomcat instances (may be on a single host/spanned
across multiple hosts).

I have tried using SetEnvIf, JkEnvVar, RequestHeader directives to only to
find of no use.

The remote user gets forwarded automatically, but in order to make Tomcat accept that info and not try to authenticate itself, you need to set tomcatAuthentication="false" in the ajp connector element in server.xml.

See also http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/config/ajp.html

If you want to forward additional info, you could use httpd env vars and JkEnvVars. On the Tomcat side, retrieve those via request.getAttribute("MyEnvVar").



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