Color me crazy, but I'm working on a WSDL project now and ... well ...
yuck.  Sorry .. just had to get that out of my system.  :-)

The services offered by manager should work for what you want.  The link
below is for tomcat 6, but there are equivalents for whatever version
you are working with:


Mike Oliver wrote:
> Hmmm,
> I am not looking for the contents of /manager either in HTML or XML.
> The "manager" application you access at /manager/html can perform
> "operations" like start, stop, deploy, undeploy, check status, etc.
> out of the box I can setup a manager role and grant that to a user, login as
> that user and access the /manager/html user interface to do these
> operations.  In that I can upload a new war file, stop or start or undeploy
> existing applications and check status.
> With a Web Service Definition Language file that points to a SOAP Web
> Service Implementation those same operations could be executed by posting a
> SOAP message to the operations defined and pointed to by the WSDL file.
> With the Web Services interface my central application can do all of the
> operations, securely, and as part of a workflow, not requiring me to
> navigate my browser to each instance of Tomcat and repeat an operation like
> deploying a new war file to update all the instances that need it.
> Peter Lin wrote:
>> I think he wants it in XML format, and be able to bind it to an object
>> model
>> On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 1:29 PM, Mark Thomas <> wrote:
>>> Mike Oliver wrote:
>>>> Ok perhaps I was unclear.
>>>> I have multiple instances of Tomcat installed and need to manage the
>>>> applications deployed on those instances.
>>>> Currently I must login with a username and password to each instance
>>>> /manager application through the normal user interface.
>>>> What I want to do is automate that so I can access that same instance
>>>> with
>>>> that same username and password but via Web Services from a central
>>>> location
>>>> using WSDL or REST.
>>> Understood. So what do you need that http://host:port/manager (rather
>>> than http://host:port/manager/html) does not support?
>>> Mark

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