> From: André Warnier [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com]
> Subject: Re: Re : Re : Re : Tomcat 5.5.29 does not accept connections
> from outside
> that IPv4 addresses had somehow been mapped to a sub-range 
> of IPv6 addresses, and that there was always some kind of
> "automatic IPv4 to IPv6 translation" going on in the background.

Unfortunately, that's an optional part of the IPv6 RFC, and even when available 
on a given platform, is usually off by default.  When supported, most comm 
stacks appear to allow the IPv4 mapping on a socket-by-socket basis.

> Another impression I'm getting now, is that Tomcat-wise, things are not
> very clear in that respect.

It really shouldn't be a Tomcat issue, just a JVM and platform one.

> - if you are using APR for the HTTP Connector, then it is always IPv4
> (or maybe only up to version X)

No, APR has IPv6 capability, and it's on by default, at least in recent 

> - if you are using the non-APR HTTP Connector, then it is IPv6 by
> default, if this is the platform's default ?

No, it *should* be both IPv4 and IPv6, and under control of JVM system 
properties.  The fact that we have an observed case or two where only IPv6 was 
active is very strange.

> - the SHUTDOWN connector (default port 8005) seems to be always IPv4,
> probably because internally it forces listen address

This is correct.

> - what about the AJP Connector ? Does that one also depend on whether
> you are using APR or not ?

Probably suffers from the same constraints that the HTTP connectors do; same 
underlying code.

> - is there a way to force the JVM to use one or the other ?

Yes, via system property settings.

> I saw the -D parameter indicated by Chuck before, but the OP seemed 
> to say it had no effect. On what does that depend ?

An indication that the OP was likely using APR.

 - Chuck

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