Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

So with these versions, the Java blocking connector is listening on both IPv4 
and IPv6, while the NIO and APR connectors are using only IPv4.  This doesn't 
seem to make things much clearer...

I am starting to regret my follow-up questions.
Life seemed so simple before.

Attempting to get a grip, I gather that in order to determine which type of listening socket Tomcat will open for its different types of Connector's, there seems to be

- a platform/OS element
- a JVM version element
- an element linked to the JVM startup options (-D xxx)
- an element linked to whether Tomcat is using APR or not
- an element linked to the Tomcat version (?)
- an element linked to whether a specific bind IP address is specified in the Connector (with a particularity for the shutdown connector) - an element linked to name-to-IP-address resolution (e.g. whether localhost, in the hosts file, is specified as an IPv4-only, or IPv6-only, or both).

And separately, the way a client will try to connect, depends on the client circumstances.

Does anyone have kind of a "synthetic" view of this at the moment, or should I go back through the whole thread to collect the info ?

As a start, I guess that if the platform/OS does not support IPv6, then it's simple no matter what else the settings are : IPv4 only. The same would be true for the JVM, but is there some version before which the JVM does not support IPv6 ? (And I seem to remember also some comment about whether it was possible or not to enable/disable the JVM's IPv4 or IPv6 support).

Also, does anyone care, or is this something where we'll just try to track the issue each time someone asks ?

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