
I got Jame's stuff [1] up and running (thanks James) with just a few
small changes to the POMs - maybe he has stuff already in his local
Maven repo that is no longer on the main public repos) working with
little effort.

If you'd like to make (and maintain ;-) an archetype out of those
(based on Apache implementations), or a Galssfish based one,  we would
be happy to include those on our LegUp page [2][3].

Regards - Cemal
OO & Java Technologies, Wicket
Consulting, Development, Training

[1] http://svn.carmanconsulting.com/public/wicket-cdi/trunk
[2] http://jweekend.com/dev/LegUp
[3] http://code.google.com/p/legup/

On 30 March 2010 10:24, Olivier Bourgeois
<olivier.bourgeois....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I do also think that it's because Wicket is not a managed framework :
> everything is simple unmanaged POJOs except for your classes extending
> WebPage which are "managed". I've juste had a quick look at JSF 2.0 and
> never worked with it - but I worked with Wicket - so I did not expected
> Wicket JEE6 integration to be a drop in replacement for JSF. I do think
> Wicket is an alternative framework for JEE6, not a replacement of the
> reference framework.
> On one hand JSF2 assumes that you are running a JEE6 AS, so it is tightly
> integrated with CDI, and you got all the cool stuff like injection, scopes,
> bean validation, etc. On the other hand, Wicket doesn't assume anything
> except a web container implementing the servlet spec, so it can't have all
> the cool stuff of CDI because it's not built around CDI.
> I think the next step to make Wicket JEE6 integration going further is to
> provide some Maven quickstart archetypes, the Weld team is looking for
> contributors : http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/WeldArchetypesInTheSpotlight
> Now that I have something working, and when I will have some spare time, my
> next step is to create an archetype for Glassfish. And if some people on
> this list have some time, their help is of course welcome :)

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