On Sun, 03 Oct 2010 20:40:04 -0300, Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail wrote:

> Now I am free to do whatever I want. This is the worst part. :-)

I understand that feeling! When I started designing our web app 
framework, I picked the technologies from an enormous set of options that 
I thought would make app development as rapid and robust as possible. The 
title of your message "best practices" suggests though that you want to 
stick to the mainstream solutions.

> So, ideas on what to use?

If you want to avoid ORMs completely, you could consider an object 
database like DB4O as we have in Granite. Granite is currently is not 
quite complete and poorly documented, and written Scala not Java, but 
there is surely something you can use there if you want to go down a that 
path - even if its just ideas and sample code.

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