I personally use Wicket / Spring / JPA Hibernate / PostgreSQL.  Hibernate 
because I know how to tune it and I'm too busy learning other new technologies 
to focus on replacing one that is working for my needs now.  Spring because it 
helps immensely with unit testing and marginally by promoting good patterns 
(note these are two "nice to have" but not critical requirements for a small 
project).  I'd have to agree with the previous poster that Wicket is the one 
tried and true, money back guaranteed must have technology in the entire stack.

If you are just learning ORM for the first time, DataNucleus does look like a 
better way to go.

I would focus more on patterns and interfaces than on technologies.  Liberal 
use of patterns will keep your code honest and help you to refactor out or in 
technologies as necessary in the future.  Interfaces can always be extracted 
later, but having replaceable implementations are a huge benefit for migration 
between technologies.  You'll never get the perfect mix of technologies because 
they change all the time, but your application's domain focus will change very 
little.  The name of the game is to keep these realms as separate as possible.

One thing about Spring for a beginner is that you don't absolutely need it to 
get started with.  It's a big framework and it's core competency is dependency 
injection.  OTOH, the biggest thing it provides for small projects is a stable 
and well-maintained framework for database transactions.  If you want to use 
Spring, read the first chapter of the reference, skip to the database chapter, 
THEN skip back as necessary to fill in the gaps on how to set up the database.  
That's the fastest way to learn it.  Once you get started with it, the learning 
comes naturally.  If you use Spring, immediately learn the @SpringBean 
annotation in Wicket.

Good luck!


On Oct 3, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail wrote:

> Hi I've tested wicket before it was in the apache incubator and found
> it to be awesome, since then we have adopted it and I have been
> migrating all legacy applications for my company for the last 3 years
> aprox.
> Now I have to build a small app to manage small accounting and
> logistics for my wife's """"Business""""
> She is opening a small printing shop for small business labels, such
> as wine bottle labels, clothing labels, bags, etc.
> At work I use wicket with an "ingenious" CORBA server, courtesy of the
> legacy applications.
> Now I am free to do whatever I want. This is the worst part. :-)
> I would like to help out and test maybe wicket 1.5 and some good
> database solution.
> Can you share some comments or recommendations on what to do?
> For Instance, I once read about Active Objects, I pretty much liked
> the idea and built some prototypes, but now the site is exactly the
> same and found their latest released is from 2008. So that is no so
> edgy...
> I don't wish to use hibernate, but could be some other "object
> relational mapping", even hibernate if you insist... :-)
> So, ideas on what to use?
> UI = Wicket.
>    + 1.4?
>    + 1.5?
> middle layer?
> Persistence?
> Thanks in advance,
> f(t)
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