Ernesto, Hielke

thanks a lot for your answers

At the time I looked at wiquery, it was for some specific task. This
task didn't include explorating whether a full blown jquery/wicket
integration framework would fit our needs. This is quite a task on its
own imho, and there the lack of documentation is a real issue.

For example, questions I had which would involve quite some time to figure out:
- does wiquery support being used from a wicket ajax request nicely?
If so, is it part of its "intended aims" and thus made across all its
wrappers or just some of the wrapper being properly done? How does it
handle the case of wiquery dependent component made visible through an
ajax request? => Hielke already provided some answers which I'm glad
to have read, but it doesn't cover it all
- ease to use with other librairies, like JSLibraries (and its CDN
integration) ?
- reliability now and in the future: what about eventual bug I would
find, would they be easy to fix on my own? Does the code make enough
sense to me? In there a proper community around to help in case ?
What's the plan for currently supported jquery versions and the
future? => Ernesto also provided some answers, which is good, thanks

I hope you understand better the questions which arise and why it
would take a while to figure them out just by looking at the code.
That's where more documentation/tutorial/feedbacks would help, to make
the discovery cost lower.

as a side note, I was already bitten by being early adopting some new
frameworks, so now I tend to be more carefull, esp. for stuff that are
directly seen by the users...


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