Sorry, I know I'm little late but I'd like to vote for the 2nd option
This has been discussed before
(, but I can't find
the old vote thread to see what folks think.  The problem is that a
checkbox is a weird bird when it comes to HTTP.  If it's unchecked, it
doesn't send a value which makes Wicket think you haven't provided a
value for that input field.  Right now, if you call setRequired(true)
on a CheckBox, it's going to require the user to actually check the
box.  What do folks think the desired behavior should be?

1.  The current approach is correct, requiring a checkbox means
requiring that it be checked.

2.  A checkbox shouldn't be able to be required.  You can't *not*
provide a value (it's binary) for a checkbox, so therefore it always
should satisfy the required requirement.

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