No problem. :-)

setRequired means what you said: "please, provide a value".

In case of a Checkbox, if setRequired is false, it means: "you don't have to
provide a value" which in other words means "you have the choice to do
nothing about it" which in other words means "you don't have to check it".
Which by the nature of a checkbox, means 'false'. Now, if setRequired true,
then it means "you have to provide a value" which means "you don't have the
choice to ignore it" wich means "you must check it", which by the nature of
the checkbox, means 'true'.

Now, if setRequired of checkboxes happens to do nothing (at the worse throws
an UnsupportedException; but I think setRequired is final), then it would
break *a lot* of things. Even if you state that this change is only 1.5 and
people should migrate... that is complicate.

I'm deploying Wicket for a huge healthcare/life/auto ensurance company in
Brazil, and I'm sure they won't like the idea of having to migrate 300 apps
to 1.5, with this kind of API change. Until now, most of the changes can be
fixed (from 1.4 to 1.5) in a higher level, not having to look at every and
single Form. With this, it would be a nightmare.

just my 2 cents

Bruno Borges
+55 21 76727099

"The glory of great men should always be
measured by the means they have used to
acquire it."
 - Francois de La Rochefoucauld

On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 5:47 AM, Maarten Billemont <> wrote:

> On 02 Apr 2011, at 01:01, Maarten Billemont wrote:
> >
> > On 02 Apr 2011, at 00:13, Bruno Borges wrote:
> >
> >> [    ] Please, check this box if you agree with EULA
> >> [ x ] Please, uncheck this box if you don't want to receive
> notifications
> >>
> >>
> >> In this case, I would set the first checkbox as required, and leave the
> >> later as optional.
> >>
> >> Vote for (1) +1
> >
> > Please don't pretend a checkbox is a Radio component.  This is irrelevant
> to this discussion.
> I totally missed that you have two different questions here, apologies.
> Nevertheless, you're disregarding my earlier statements.  You're asking us
> to make "setRequired" do something that's completely different from what
> it's supposed to do.  If you require a certain value, that's what validators
> are for.  If you require a value to be given, you use setRequired.
>  Checkboxes ALWAYS give a value.  There is no "I choose not to choose"
> option with a checkbox.  That is what setRequired is for.  It forces you to
> make a *choice*.  It does not force you to make a specific choice.
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