
Java is still pretty verbose, for all 'recent' improvements - I don't think 
that will really ever change, but then I don't see that as an issue. My 
personal style of coding is to write simple, obvious, testable, but ultimately 
verbose, code. Code that anyone can read, and understand what and why I'm 
attempting something - with the absolute minimum of comments. But that's just 
me! :)

I've never understood writing one line of code, that takes five lines of 
comments to fully explain what and why it's attempting, when you could write 3 
lines of code with no comments - and would be significantly easier to modify or 
extend later.

When I was younger, and monitors smaller and lines constrained, I too loved 
ramming as much functionality into the smallest of visual spaces in code, but 
now I love tons of white space and simple, clean code.

It's all about scroll wheels and big monitors! :)

... and Wicket and the super-fast modern JVMs... and t's still quicker and 
easier and ultimately less verbose to do something in Wicket/Java, than pretty 
much any other Web framework, IMHO - regardless of Java as a language.

You could try Scala with Wicket, or Groovy with Wicket - both are native JVM 
languages - would these give you greater benefits to your style?


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Pence [mailto:mike.pe...@gmail.com]
Sent: 26 June 2013 06:48
To: users@wicket.apache.org
Subject: Re: A Wicket in Ruby

That is a good question that I have been mulling over these last few says.
I think that I need to suck it up and just re-familiarize with Java -- it is 
less verbose, with annotations and closures now, right? -- for all of the 
benefits that the JVM with Wicket will bring me. I got a bit spoiled by years 
of Ruby, but man, do you pay for that lack of compile-time checking and type 
safety over and over again -- especially with regard to performance and 
endlessly climbing stack traces over typos.

On Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 8:25 PM, Colin Rogers < 
colin.rog...@objectconsulting.com.au> wrote:

> Mike,
> I hate to be the old cynic and doomsayer, but generally I find that
> whenever a two programming technologies are 'crossed' over, with the
> idea that you'll get the advantages of both - the exact opposite
> occurs and actually you end up with a technology that only has the
> disadvantages of both and the advantages of neither.
> After all, Wicket in Java works really well... how would ruby improve
> it over Java? Or Scala in the JVM? Or Groovy on the JVM?
> Like I said - sorry - I don't wish to negative, but it seems like a
> thankless task awaits you! :)
> Cheers,
> Col.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Pence [mailto:mike.pe...@gmail.com]
> Sent: 22 June 2013 02:21
> To: users@wicket.apache.org
> Subject: A Wicket in Ruby
> So I have this crazy idea to try to write some subset of Wicket using
> CRuby and the variety of technologies it employs (EventMachine, etc.)
> Hard to know where to start though, or how best to form a mental model
> of what Wicket does vs. doing a straight class-to-class conversion.
> Maybe there is a test suite in the wicket source I should consider. Of
> course, there is nothing like stepping through the code to understand
> the lifecyle of a wicket request (and to see how it persists session data, 
> especially).
> Am I crazy?
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