FAUX, Emmanuel wrote:
>> As Vincent does ask, have you configured your XWiki installation for 
>> UTF-8 ?
> Nope. Current encoding is ISO-8859-1
> But if it avoids me to remove db entries, I'm gonna configure it as soon as I 
> can.
> I've read http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Encoding
> Some questions :
>       1 - I already have a good load of content, can I switch to UTF-8 
> without wrecking the wiki ?

As far as I understand, all involved actors must run the same encoding. 
It is just a guess, but if your database and your XWiki run with 
different encoding, URLs with characters like á, ñ, or / won't work.

Regarding contents by themselves, I've found a number of references that 
make advisable to go with extreme care. For 

I am updating now to 1.2. Once I have this stable release running, I 
will regain access to some issues that concern encoding and come back to 
this thread.
>       2 - I use Oracle 10G. It's likely that I have to configure UTF-8 as its 
> default character set. As anyone done that already ?

No idea, sorry.
> Thanks for your help.
> Xwiki is a great product.
I completely agree!



Ricardo Rodríguez
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