On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 12:02 PM, Guillaume Lerouge <guilla...@xwiki.com> wrote:
>> A XWiki Glossar would be a good thing.

Good idea ! ;)

>> Also some place for discussion of terms would be good.
> Well, what we can for now is that you keep a list of terms you're not sure
> ho to translate. Once you have 10 or 20 of them, you post them here on the
> list with your suggestions and we work together to decide on a term. Once
> this is done you can input them in the transation tool.

Would be some start.

Having something in the real translation tool where a wiki page with
discussions and comments from translaters can be listed and checked
would be interesting, I think.

And maybe also, in the same place, a link to a place in the wiki in
the language of choice where the string is used, so it can be seen in
context. Including the english version for comparison ;)

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