On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 23:13, Andreas Hahn <ah...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'd like to make the proposal to drop the existing mailing lists in
> favor of a forum (bulletin board) software.
> The objective is to promote the XWiki community discussions to a broader
> audience.
> 1) A forum serves like an advertising window as anyone can read the
> contributions without subscription.
> 2) Anyone can judge the activity by reading the view count.
> 3) New users can get in touch with the community without being urged to
> subscribe to a mailing list.
> 4) Many people consider mailing lists as spam and prefer not to subscribe
> 5) Contributions have a longer visibility and older entries will get
> responses
> 6) Communication gets more efficient as the same topics won't get
> repeatedly discussed
> 7) To my experience forums get much better indexed by google as mail
> collectors like Nabble , Markmail, e.t.c.
> 8) Forums encourage user to user discussions and you will see new users
> taking an active role
> 9) There should be at least one additional category IMHO: administrators
> 10) A forum is more pleasure to read once a topic split into many threads
> 11) A forum is beneficial when expecting increasing support requirements
> - some real large scale forums were run by just a few moderators
> 12) More people will see what a teriffic job the XWiki team does.
> Here's my +1


I will not repeat arguments Paul gave already and add mine:
- currently I have everything in one place: my mail box and I like it
the way it is way more than having to go in a forum website

If all you want is forum feeling
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/Forum should be well
enough IMO.

> Andreas
> _______________________________________________
> users mailing list
> users@xwiki.org
> http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/users

Thomas Mortagne
users mailing list

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