Am 21.03.2011 15:11, schrieb Vincent Massol:
> One thing that I find really great and I would be totally in favor of doing 
> something similar for
> "
> Amass enough reputation points and Area 51 grant you additional privileges:
> 25    Propose example questions
> 50    Create proposals
> 50    Vote for questions as great examples
> 50    Flag proposals or example questions
> 50    Leave comments on example questions
> 150   Vote for questions as not a good example
> 250   Vote to close or reopen your proposals
> 1000  Edit other people's proposals and example questions
> 2000  Vote to close or reopen any proposal
> 10000 Delete questions and closed proposals; access to moderation tools
> "
I like that too but I think the most compelling factor (about 
stackoverflow) is that its pretty simple to identify the most important 
information without too much reading and searching. Provided there are 
enough answers at all the reputation score helps identifying the best 
answers.  And with the  positive browsing experience as a user people 
might be encouraged to help others too. I guess there are quite a few 
active advisors that escape their routine jobs this way and share their 
knowledge on some particular topic.


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