Hi guys,

Thanks again for great collaborative tool!

We currently have about 1200 pages inside, many with objects, where several
people search/read/edit info every day. And we are experiencing performance
problems - at least once a day, sometimes more often wiki becomes
unresponsive for 3-10 minutes while having high CPU load (my guess is
either page file swapping or garbage collection by JVM), Out Of Memory
errors becoming more often (sometimes wiki is stable for 1-2 weeks,
sometimes fails several times a day). Additionally we've got repeating
problems even with quite small attachments 500Kb-2Mb (I am aware of x27 DB
storage trouble)

According to recommendation in guides and some talks on the Internet I tend
to try database tuning or change. Could you please recommend a good
candidate among freely available databases or even give a hints on HSQLDB
tuning (maybe changing default memory mode to cached)? I've taken a look at
H2 vs. HSQLDB comparison but there are quite controversial opinions...

Current servlet container configuration is -Xms700m -Xmx700m, no tuning for
database, computer is a virtual machine on a farm with 2 GHz CPU and 1 Gb
RAM. BTW, is this in general expected behavior for such configuration?

Many thanks,
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