Thanks, Marius. Please, see below.

From: [] On Behalf Of Marius 
Dumitru Florea []
Sent: 17 February 2012 18:07
To: XWiki Users
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] getting translated title

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 6:05 PM,
<> wrote:
> Hi!
> _________________
>>> From: [] On Behalf Of Marius 
>>> Dumitru Florea []
>>> Sent: 17 February 2012 08:30
>>> To: XWiki Users
>>> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] getting translated title
>>> Hi Ricardo,
> On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 2:35 AM,
> <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Please, how could I get the title of a translated document to be used in a 
>> Velocity script? Please, see an example:
>> Whatever language I select, group names are already show in Spanish even 
>> though group names exist in all three languages. For instance...
>>> I don't see the problem. For both groups, XWikiIDISAreaEndocrinology
>>> and XWikiIDISC01, the title changes when I change the language from
>>> the top right corner, below the search box. For
>>> XWikiIDISAreaEndocrinology I get: Endocrinology (en), Endocrinología
>>> (es) and Endocrinoloxía (gl). What exactly are you trying to achieve?
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Marius
> Yeap, no problem with this page: it shows the right title once you select any 
> of the three languages. BUT the name of the members appears always in Spanish 
> (at least here) even though there are translations for all three languages. 
> For instance, check this group...
> This group is included in the meta-group XWikiIDISAreaEndocrinology...
> But this page, the one showing all members of this area, shows its name 
> always in Spanish (at least here) even though I use the language switch...
> It is clear to me that the language switch affects only the contents of the 
> "main document" (in this case, XWiki/XWikiIDISAreaEndocrinology) and doesn't 
> determine what translation of each area is shown.
> I've modified /templates/getgroupmembers.vm (XWiki Enterprise 2.4.30451) this 
> way...

>    "member"   : "$mdoc.title #if($hasAdmin || $isAdvancedUser) (#if($wikiname 
> != 'local')$wikiname:#end$m)#end",

>>>> You could try to use
>>>> $mdoc.translatedDocument.title
>>>> or, if the language is not properly set on the XWiki context,
>>>> $mdoc.getTranslatedDocument($language).title
>>>> but for this you need to take the language from somewhere, a request
>>>> parameter probably.
>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>> Marius

Thanks, Marius. Neither of these solutions did work. Please, could you point me 
in the right direction to find some materials to go through your proposal 
stated by "a request paremeter probably"?

I'm lost with this issue. Please, chech this:

getgroupmembers.vm reads this way now...

"member"   : "$mdoc.title **$context.language** #if($hasAdmin || 
$isAdvancedUser) (#if($wikiname != 'local')$wikiname:#end$m)#end",

Whatever language I select, I always read **en** in the output. Please, do you 
know why? Where am I wrong? Titles in Spanich, context language set to 
English... I'm truly lost...

Thanks for your help!



> I'm using $mdoc.title to show the title of each document instead of 
> $xwiki.getUserName($m, false). getUserName works fine of members of the group 
> are users, but it simply shows the name of the XWiki document when group 
> members are other groups.
> What I'm looking for is the way of "telling" getgroupmembers.vm that it must 
> show the title of a given document in the selected language.
> I hope I've been clearer now and this issue is not only some more noise!!!!
> Thanks you so much for your time and your help!
> Ricardo
>> Thanks for your help!
>> Ricardo
>> --
>> Ricardo Rodríguez
>> Research Management and Promotion Technician
>> Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
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