Done! Thanks for your help! Please, see below!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Research Management and Promotion Technician
Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
From: [] On Behalf Of Rodriguez 
Fernandez, Ricardo Julio
Sent: 18 February 2012 00:40
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] getting translated title

HI! Please, see below. Thanks!
From: [] On Behalf Of Rodriguez 
Fernandez, Ricardo Julio
Sent: 17 February 2012 23:56
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] getting translated title

>>>>> Thanks, Marius. Please, see below.

From: [] On Behalf Of Marius 
Dumitru Florea []
Sent: 17 February 2012 18:07
To: XWiki Users
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] getting translated title

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 6:05 PM,
<> wrote:
> Hi!
> _________________
>>> From: [] On Behalf Of Marius 
>>> Dumitru Florea []
>>> Sent: 17 February 2012 08:30
>>> To: XWiki Users
>>> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] getting translated title
>>> Hi Ricardo,
> On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 2:35 AM,
> <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Please, how could I get the title of a translated document to be used in a 
>> Velocity script? Please, see an example:
>> Whatever language I select, group names are already show in Spanish even 
>> though group names exist in all three languages. For instance...
>>> I don't see the problem. For both groups, XWikiIDISAreaEndocrinology
>>> and XWikiIDISC01, the title changes when I change the language from
>>> the top right corner, below the search box. For
>>> XWikiIDISAreaEndocrinology I get: Endocrinology (en), Endocrinología
>>> (es) and Endocrinoloxía (gl). What exactly are you trying to achieve?
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Marius
> Yeap, no problem with this page: it shows the right title once you select any 
> of the three languages. BUT the name of the members appears always in Spanish 
> (at least here) even though there are translations for all three languages. 
> For instance, check this group...
> This group is included in the meta-group XWikiIDISAreaEndocrinology...
> But this page, the one showing all members of this area, shows its name 
> always in Spanish (at least here) even though I use the language switch...
> It is clear to me that the language switch affects only the contents of the 
> "main document" (in this case, XWiki/XWikiIDISAreaEndocrinology) and doesn't 
> determine what translation of each area is shown.
> I've modified /templates/getgroupmembers.vm (XWiki Enterprise 2.4.30451) this 
> way...

>    "member"   : "$mdoc.title #if($hasAdmin || $isAdvancedUser) (#if($wikiname 
> != 'local')$wikiname:#end$m)#end",

>>>> You could try to use
>>>> $mdoc.translatedDocument.title
>>>> or, if the language is not properly set on the XWiki context,
>>>> $mdoc.getTranslatedDocument($language).title
>>>> but for this you need to take the language from somewhere, a request
>>>> parameter probably.
>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>> Marius

>>>>> Thanks, Marius. Neither of these solutions did work. Please, could you 
>>>>> point me in the right direction to find some materials to go through your 
>>>>> proposal stated by "a request paremeter probably"?
>>>>> I'm lost with this issue. Please, chech this:
>>>>> getgroupmembers.vm reads this way now...
>>>>> "member"   : "$mdoc.title **$context.language** #if($hasAdmin || 
>>>>> $isAdvancedUser) (#if($wikiname != 'local')$wikiname:#end$m)#end",
>>>>> Whatever language I select, I always read **en** in the output. Please, 
>>>>> do you know why? Where am I wrong? Titles in Spanich, context language 
>>>>> set to English... I'm truly lost...
>>>>> Thanks for your help!
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Ricardo

>>>>>> Some more, probably obvious, information on this issue:
>>>>>> 1. **en** is the default language of XWiki.XWikiIDISAreaEndocrinology.
>>>>>> 2. **es** is the default language of all and every group having 
>>>>>> XWiki.XWikiIDISAreaEndocrinology as parent.
>>>>>> I guess that the clue of this issue must be how to store the language of 
>>>>>> each iteration and store it to presente it with some infortmation on 
>>>>>> this issue!
>>>>>> Any idea will be exremely welome!
>>>>>> Thaks!

As stated by Marius before, getTranslatedDocument did the job... but this way:

"member"   : "$mdoc.getTranslatedDocument().title #if($hasAdmin || 
$isAdvancedUser) (#if($wikiname != 'local')$wikiname:#end$m)#end",

I tried before with getTranslatedDocument($language) and didn't work. I guess 
the reason is that $language is not set and getTranslatedDocument() looks for 
it in the order specified in Javadoc here...

Isn't it?

Thanks for your help!!!


> I'm using $mdoc.title to show the title of each document instead of 
> $xwiki.getUserName($m, false). getUserName works fine of members of the group 
> are users, but it simply shows the name of the XWiki document when group 
> members are other groups.
> What I'm looking for is the way of "telling" getgroupmembers.vm that it must 
> show the title of a given document in the selected language.
> I hope I've been clearer now and this issue is not only some more noise!!!!
> Thanks you so much for your time and your help!
> Ricardo
>> Thanks for your help!
>> Ricardo
>> --
>> Ricardo Rodríguez
>> Research Management and Promotion Technician
>> Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
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