Hello XWikiers,

I've been following the tutorial:
and the two consoles show me a successful:

grep -i channel mytomcat/logs/tomcat.log
> 2012-07-06 08:28:02,901 INFO  jgroups.JChannel  - JGroups version: 
> 2.12.2.Final
> 2012-07-06 08:28:05,262 [main] INFO  .o.r.i.j.JGroupsNetworkAdapter - Channel 
> [udp] started 

grep -i channel myothertomcat/logs/tomcat.log 
> 2012-07-06 08:29:11,857 INFO  jgroups.JChannel  - JGroups version: 
> 2.12.2.Final
> 2012-07-06 08:29:14,251 [main] INFO  .o.r.i.j.JGroupsNetworkAdapter - Channel 
> [udp] started 

GMS: address=atlas-56733, cluster=event, physical 

GMS: address=atlas-26026, cluster=event, physical 

with unchanged udp.xml as extracted with jar -xf from the jgroups jar in 

However the two xwiki's seem to work separately, the data of the other is only 
fetched if it has not yet come into cache.

The only suspicious log is, in both consoles:

> 2012-07-06 08:28:03,208 WARN  protocols.UDP  - receive buffer of socket 
> java.net.MulticastSocket@40d3ab8b was set to 25MB, but the OS only allocated 
> 65.51KB. This might lead to performance problems. Please set your max receive 
> buffer in the OS correctly (e.g. net.core.rmem_max on Linux)

Is there anything else I need to watch?
The README in the directory of udp.xml was absolutely useless, or at least lead 
me to no change... have badly read it?

thanks in advance

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