>> Is there anything else I need to watch?

Le 6 juil. 2012 à 13:28, Thomas Mortagne a écrit :
> You could enable debug log to see if cluster members talk to each
> others. See 
> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Observation+Module+Remote#HDebugging.

I did this: into WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml, added:
  <!-- remote observation detailed logging -->
  <logger name="org.xwiki.observation.remote" level="trace"/>
  <logger name="org.jgroups" level="trace"/>

and on the side of the sender I did get the nice following debug line:

2012-07-06 17:02:28,122 
[http://hoplahup.homeip.net/xwiki/bin/saveandcontinue/Main/Test3] DEBUG 
.o.r.i.j.JGroupsNetworkAdapter - Send JGroups remote event [event: 
[org.xwiki.bridge.event.DocumentUpdatedEvent@b6362ec], source: 
[{origdoclanguage=, origdocversion=8.1, docversion=9.1, doclanguage=, 
docname=name = [Test3], type = [DOCUMENT], parent = [name = [Main], type = 
[SPACE], parent = [name = [xwiki], type = [WIKI], parent = [null]]]}], data: 
[{contextuser=XWiki.adminPolx, contextwiki=xwiki}]] 

But not much more.

However, I do not seem to see a connection to the other "node".

Le 6 juil. 2012 à 13:30, Vincent Massol a écrit :
> You could check with JMX to see the status of the cluster, see 
> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Monitoring#HJGroupsMonitoring

Vincent, that seems like something very useful but how do you read the 
connected clients there?
Which attribute would list this?
I see neither on your screenshot or my jconsole.

thanks again!

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