On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 10:48 PM, shouldbe q931 <shouldbeq...@gmail.com>

> On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 10:58 AM, Marius Dumitru Florea
> <mariusdumitru.flo...@xwiki.com> wrote:
> > On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 8:06 PM, shouldbe q931 <shouldbeq...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Hi All,
> >>
> >> On an infrequently maintained xwiki instance (.deb on Ubuntu), which
> >> was running 8.4.1, the default editor is WYSIWYG
> >>
> >>
> >
> >> In Administration | Edit Mode Settings | DEFAULT EDITOR, the dropdown
> >> box contains Wysiwyg and Text, and does NOT contain CKEditor
> >>
> >
> > That's normal. Below "Default Editor" you should have "Default WYSIWYG
> > Editor" as in
> > http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/
> Administration+Application#HEditModeSettings
> > . That is the property that should list CKEditor as a possible value. But
> > CKEditor should be the default WYSIWYG editor in XWiki 8.4.1 even if you
> > leave this property unset.
> The edit mode looks like

> https://s23.postimg.org/mnapaie3f/editmode.png

This is how it should look like, since XWiki 8.2
. So your administration UI (i.e. wiki pages) has not been upgraded
property. You're missing at least the "Default WYSIWYG Editor" drop down
and the "Syntaxes" configuration section (on the left).

> >> If a page in the wiki is selected, the edit icon has the options in
> >> the dropdown for WYSIWYG, CKEditor, Wiki & Inline form, then below it,
> >> Objects and Class.
> >
> >
> > XWiki 8.4.1 is using CKEditor 1.9 which doesn't extend the edit menu, see
> > http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/CKEDITOR-96 .
> >
> >
> >> If CKEditor is selected, the edit window is not
> >> shown.
> >>
> If I try to edit a (blank) page with CK editor
> https://s30.postimg.org/9ftdmdri9/ckeditor.png
> > Did you upgrade to 8.4.1 from a previous version? It may be the case that
> > CKEditor was not upgraded properly. Or maybe you didn't clear the browser
> > cache.
> Yes it was updated, but I couldn't tell you what the previous version
> was, I think it started out as a 2.x.x release
> >> I tried an update to 8.4.4, and there is no change in Administration |
> >> Edit Mode Settings | DEFAULT EDITOR, but when a page is edited, it now
> >> shows in the place where I would expect to see the edit window the
> >> below
> >>
> >> Content
> >> #ckeditor($parameters)
> >>
> >
> > It seems CKEditor was still not upgraded properly.
> As ckeditor shows as "Installed as a dependency", how might I go about
> upgrading it properly ?
> https://s27.postimg.org/6k9up5i8j/dependency.png

You cannot upgrade it in 8.4.1 ( http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XE-1570 ) but
1.10 is the latest version ATM anyway. The problem you have, most probably,
is that it wasn't upgraded correctly to this 1.10 version, and since you're
also missing stuff from the administration it looks like the problem is
more general: the upgrade to XWiki 8.4.1 was not done correctly (at least
for the UI part). Did you use the Distribution Wizard to upgrade the wiki
pages? You probably had merge conflicts which were not resolved correctly
(either by Extension Manager or by the person that did the upgrade).

> Cheers
> Arne

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