> OK, so what happens if you use a *positive* LO offset?

It moves in the opposite direction.  A few remarks:

   - I should mention that the behavior I'm seeing with rx_samples_to_file
   is not identical to the behavior I'm seeing in my own custom app.  In my
   app, I see unpredictable behavior.  Nevertheless, I figured we could start
   with rx_samples_to_file which seems to be consistent (albeit wrong).
   - Although I haven't tried rx_samples_to_file with other devices or with
   Tx channels, I did see bad behavior with Tx channels and with the N310
   device using my custom app
   - I have no idea if this behavior is recent or not because I haven't
   been looking at this kind of thing for a long time
   - I am using the latest off master:  UHD_3.15.0.git-89-gf93c5227

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