Marcus & Ettus folks,
I just experienced a similar issue using gnuradio with the example
rfnoc_fosphor program (the issue being that the frequency I request is not
what I get).  This seems to me to be a pretty significant bug.

While playing with rfnoc_fosphor, I fiddled with the Cordic Freq param of
the DDC a bit.  Then, I set this parameter back to zero and ran multiple
consecutive runs without changing any params.  My setup had a center freq
of 2450MHz, DDC rate of 100 MHz, and I had a 2450MHz antenna connected
directly to the X310/UBX160 input (dboard B, Tx/Rx).  I was simply
monitoring all the energy in the ISM band 2400-2480 MHz (this band has lots
of energy in my environment, but outside this span it is pretty quiet).

I ran 7 iterations (consecutive runs) without changing params and I
expected to see energy from 2400-2480.  In each run, I saw the energy, but
the frequency shown often did not represent reality.  Note: the "????"
below denotes that the location was off-display (presumably 80 MHz from the
other endpoint).
- run 1: energy located (2475-???? MHz)
- run 2: energy located (2400-2480 MHz) (as expected)
- run 3: energy located (2435-???? MHz)
- run 4: energy completely off-display (> 2500 MHz)
- run 5: energy located (2400-2480 MHz) (as expected)
- run 6: energy located (????-2467 MHz)
- run 7: energy located (2400-2480 MHz) (as expected)

I captured screenshots of each and would be glad to provide them to anyone
interested. I also have the gnuradio rfnoc_foshphor python script if anyone
is interested.

I recognize that it is not easy to duplicate the above results because it
requires an FPGA image with specific blocks that support fosphor.  However,
I want to mention that all of the blocks in the experiment above are
non-modified "stock" blocks.  The C++ program I attached to the original
post provides a way to duplicate this issue with the standard FPGA image.


On Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 2:45 PM Marcus D. Leech <>

> On 04/19/2019 02:37 PM, Rob Kossler wrote:
> Not sure about uhd_fft.  I know that with rx_samples_to_file, it behaved
> fine until I added the timed commands.  That's why I sent the source code
> attachment so that the problem could be easily duplicated.
> Rob
> Doh!  Sorry.  I got distracted by the (clearly-worrying) "tuned frequency
> appears bad when using offset tuning", without also considering the
>   timed-command aspect.
> On Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 1:15 PM Marcus D. Leech <>
> wrote:
>> On 04/19/2019 09:44 AM, Rob Kossler wrote:
>> I had started with a mid-January version of master and that's where I
>> noticed the issue.
>> I am using:
>> UHD_3.14.0.HEAD-0-gf6cacec8
>> With an X310, using a UBX-160 V1
>> I'm running with the default clock rate, and getting 25Msps, using a
>> 10MHz lo offset.  I'm using uhd_fft to observe the spectrum at 950MHz.
>> It's exactly where
>>   one would expect it to be, similarly at 2450MHz.
>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 6:00 PM Marcus D. Leech <>
>> wrote:
>>> On 04/18/2019 05:09 PM, Rob Kossler wrote:
>>> OK, so what happens if you use a *positive* LO offset?
>>> It moves in the opposite direction.  A few remarks:
>>>    - I should mention that the behavior I'm seeing with
>>>    rx_samples_to_file is not identical to the behavior I'm seeing in my own
>>>    custom app.  In my app, I see unpredictable behavior.  Nevertheless, I
>>>    figured we could start with rx_samples_to_file which seems to be 
>>> consistent
>>>    (albeit wrong).
>>>    - Although I haven't tried rx_samples_to_file with other devices or
>>>    with Tx channels, I did see bad behavior with Tx channels and with the 
>>> N310
>>>    device using my custom app
>>>    - I have no idea if this behavior is recent or not because I haven't
>>>    been looking at this kind of thing for a long time
>>>    - I am using the latest off master:  UHD_3.15.0.git-89-gf93c5227
>>> Rob
>>> I will try to reproduce this in my lab in the morrow.  In the mean-time,
>>> if you revert to earlier UHD, do you see the same thing?
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