
I just tried what Alfredo described in his message without success (I still 
have to manually modify tcp.smtp to relay), any sugestion will be 



Alfredo Perez escribió: 

>  This is an old e-mail i found.... Perhaps it will help  
> -------- BEGIN HERE ---------
> On Friday, February 8, 2002, at 09:35 AM, Nicolas DEFFAYET wrote: 
>> How do you use it with courier-imap ?
>> Because pop before smtp don't work, the user can't send a mail.
> This really should be put in the FAQ. Ken, how about adding this: 
> Question: How do I get Courier-IMAP use vpopmail's "roaming users"? 
> Answer: Follow these steps 
> 1. Make sure vpopmail is compiled with --enable-roaming-users=y
> 2. Courier-IMAP doesn't detect roaming users in the vpopmail library
> correctly, so force it by doing something like this just before
> compiling:
> 3. compile courier-imap with --without-authdaemon --with-authvchkpw
> 4. Make sure you run your imap server as the same user as your pop
> server (so open-smtp and tcp.smtp have the same ownership). man
> couriertcpd for details, but you will change /usr/lib/courier-
> imap/libexec/imapd.rc something like this: 
> Change this line:
> /usr/lib/courier-imap/libexec/couriertcpd -address=$ADDRESS \ 
> To:
> /usr/lib/courier-imap/libexec/couriertcpd -address=$ADDRESS \
> -user=vpopmail -group=vchkpw \ 
> Regards, 
> Bill Shupp
> --------  END HERE ---------

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