I didn't know they added a "boolean" type to the C language.
When they do, we can easily make the change.


  > Hi Brian Kolaci,
  > you wrote.
  > BK> to the vpopmail library.  These maintain either the
  > BK> raw file .qmailadmin-limits or will maintain the limits
  > BK> in a MySQL database.  The items supported are:
  > BK> struct vlimits {
  > BK>       int       maxpopaccounts;
  > BK>       int       maxaliases;
  > BK>       int       maxforwards;
  > BK>       int       maxautoresponders;
  > BK>       int       maxmailinglists;
  > BK>       int       diskquota;
  > BK>       int       defaultquota;
  > BK>       short     disablepop;
  > BK>       short     disableimap;
  > BK>       short     disabledialup;
  > BK>       short     disablepasswordchanging;
  > BK>       short     disablewebmail;
  > BK>       short     disablerelay;
  > BK> };
  > Shouldn't the shorts rather be booleans? Or is there something
  > inbetween disabled and enabled?
  > Regards,
  > Gabriel

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