this is to be delivered to a blackberry device, so i don't think that's a solution.

At 01:15 PM 06/09/2003, Benjamin Tomhave wrote:
Wouldn't it be easier/better to setup a SMS-based web-interface for remotely
reading mail?  In fact, I'd wager there are already opensource solutions out
there that do just that.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Theodoropoulos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 2:12 PM
> Subject: [vchkpw] hmmm, question
> we've had a request from a customer to be able to forward only
> the subject
> line (or minimal headers) from incoming messages to the
> customer's wireless
> device, the reason of course being that if they receive a large
> attachment
> it chews up a lot of their bandwidth allotment.
> i've been pondering this for a bit, and can't quite come up with a
> solution. i keep thinking something like forwarding the message
> to another
> account they create, and that one having an autoresponder on it,
> but that's
> not quite right.
> anyone run across this before? thoughts? anyone? bueller?

Paul Theodoropoulos
The Nicest Misanthrope on the Net

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