Hugh Beaumont wrote:

Hello All,

I've been trying to find a method to run qmail + smtpd-auth + vpopmail with support 
for system
accounts without running any of it as root. Can anyone tell me if this is possible?

No. If any accounts are not owned by vpopmail:vchkpw it must be root so it can change to the user receiving mail.

I believe it is impossible to have system account support without some part of the 
system running
as root. Is this correct?


Do most people run qmail-pop3d + vpopmail as root? I used to do this but recently 
switched over to

I would avoid it.

I've considered going back to running qmail-pop3d as root, any suggestions?

Don't use system accounts, and run 100% virtual. The only people with logins on my mail server are the mail administrators. I feel safer that way.


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