----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Goodrich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Mark Richardson wrote:
> >>If your only problem is the user count (lucky you) you can manualy reset
> >>the cur_users and it will begin wirking again.
> >
> > Ok now you make me worried... What other things have you run in to
> > that was my fear anyways: I don't understand why this doesn't work (well
> > just seems unimplemented in vconvert), so what else will i run into ?

> > I thought the mysql support was pretty stable in vpopmail ?
> The support for MySQL doesn't seem to be the issue here, just the
> conversion to using MySQL from cdb at this point.

I have looked at the dir hashing code before in an effort to try and
understand it, but not being an expert C programmer, it makes my head spin

In the mailing list archives there are many accounts of the type of problem
you describe

I believe that the large number in the cur_users field comes about because
that field is typically 32bit (ie max value 4294967295) and perhaps if the
value is 0 and gets 1 subtracted from it incorrectly during the conversion,
you end up with numbers wrapping and being displayed in that range). Or
maybe there is a part of the code that mixes signed and unsigned integers
resulting in that bug?


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