Hello everybody,

  Currently I have a qmail, courier-imap, and vpopmail (mysql) setup
going (running under Gentoo on Xen) and I am having problems.  Please
excuse me if this turns out to not be a vpopmail issue, but at this
point I believe that it is.  I can't receive mail to my domain users
just fine, however nobody can smtp-auth to send mail out.  The
following is what is showing up in my logs.  Any help would be greatly
appreciated.  Thanks.

Mar 16 04:43:20 zues vpopmail[19467]: vchkpw-smtp: (PLAIN) login
Mar 16 04:43:20 zues vpopmail[19467]: vchkpw-smtp: null user name
given :

If it help the "guide" I have been using to try and get this setup
going is located at the following URI


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