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Easiest way to edit ldap object is through a GUI client, ie:
phpldapadmin, ldapadministrator, etc. search for ldap client, you should
get quite a lot of option. I use JExplorer myself.
or you could do it by command line with "ldapmodify" command.

And for editing schema file, it's quite complicated considering the tree
structure and whole standard thing. I wouldn't recommend messing the
schema unless you really know what you are doing.
as Matheau pointed out, vpopmail schema file could be outdated.

correct me if i'm wrong but i believed inter7 doesn't provide vpopmail
with ldap functionality. it's an add-on thing and plus ldap function was
made available only because a client of inter7 requested ldap function.
it would be a waste to left the code unused, so they made it available
but without any support whatsoever (unless you pay them to do it). So,
it's doesnot look pretty. you have to make it work on your own.
I did that before.
Look at other option, maybe qmail-ldap?
could work a lot better with enermous support/documentation.


Oliver A. Rojo wrote:
> Edy Sulai wrote:
> You much fill out the sn field because in qmailUser object, sn is
> required attribute. Make sure each object has their sn entry.
> I had vpopmail setup with ldap before, but that was quite a long time
> ago. As I remembered, a patch to vpopmail source was required. I'm not
> sure on newer vpopmail version.
> Edy
> Oliver A. Rojo wrote:
>>>> Im having a problem with integrating vpopmail with ldap. I've already
>>>> installed everything...
>>>> What I did:
>>>> 1. I set these options on vldap.h before compile
>>>> #define VLDAP_SERVER "localhost"
>>>> #define VLDAP_USER "cn=vpopmailuser, o=vpopmail"
>>>> #define VLDAP_PASSWORD "vpoppasswd"
>>>> #define VLDAP_BASEDN "o=vpopmail"
>>>> 2. My compile options
>>>> --enable-auth-module=ldap
>>>> 3. Copied the file slapd.conf and qmailUser.schema from the vpopmail
>>>> ldap directory to ldap etc/ and schema/ directory
>>>> 4. Successful creation of vpopmail database
>>>> ldapadd -f vpopmail.ldif -x -w vpoppasswd -D'cn=vpopmailuser,o=vpopmail'
>>>> The problem is when I add a virtual domain
>>>> /home/vpopmail/bin/vadddomain mydomain.com
>>>> I get an error saying:
>>>> Error: Object class violation (65)
>>>>       additional info: object class 'qmailUser' requires attribute 'sn'
>>>> Failed while attempting to add user to auth backend
>>>> Error: (vadduser) no auth connection
>>>> What seems to be the problem here? Did I missed something?
>>>> Please help!
>>>> Thanks!

> where will I fill out the 'sn' entry? is it on the schema files? im
> sorry im just a newbie openldap user.

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