
If I had a server hardware failure... and my hardware breaks... so I need
to set up a new one qmail server... what should I have backed up in my
actual qmail server and how could I recover all data? I mean... I suppose
We include /var/qmail in our nightly general backups , which is a rolling 7 days, its also included in weekly backups which are kept forever.
/home/vpopmail  is rsync'd daily, on a rolling 7 day basis.

The MySQL DB is backed up hourly on a rolling 7 day basis, yes a lot of files, but having only 24 hours is no good if something is not noticed for 3 days :) and doing it every hour in that 7 days means if something is screwed up at 1030pm, we have not lost 10.5 hours of entries, only half an hour.

One thing, however, you should make it known to your users that some or all of their email may or may not be included in system backups for disastor recovery etc etc etc, for legal reasons ( depending no your country) you could be in serious trouble for keeping copies of their mails.
I should compile, install and use the same vpopmail and qmail version. I

We also do full system weekly rsyncs, so we can grab the src and do a quick install, we have tar files of our sources kept in many different places including disks .
suppose too I should have a backup of the mysql vpopmail database,

you mean you dont????????
/var/qmail directory and /home/vpopmail directory too, is enough having
only this backed up? and later... I suppose I should overwrite
You should do system nightly backups that encompass critical stuff that can change, like /etc and anything else thats critical to your operation.

/home/vpopmail and /var/qmail fully with my backed up version? but this
couldn't cause later problems with courier-imap compiled binaries? because
they're compiled with just have installed vpopmail libraries and not with
backed ones?
I have dumped courier, for the faster Dovecot. but tis config is in /etc so its also backed up.

Thanks a lot mates
Hope I have explained :)

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