When using vadduser from command line, it creates the user folders and copies everything from the skel folder (Maildir; mailfilter; .qmail) to the user folder; but when a user is created from the vqregister cgi only the Maildir is copied.
The vpopmail.c file includes the line: ret = vadduser(user, domain, password, fname, USE_POP); Which I was hoping implies that vqregister uses vpopmail's vadduser to create users and would act the same. Could someone explain the difference and/or how to get the same result from vqregister? Vpopmail-5.4.30; vqregister-2.5 (and if pertinent: simscan-1.4.0; maildrop-2.5.0; qmail-1.03 with the jms1-7.10 patch; dovecot-1.2.16) Thanks Mark !DSPAM:4df288a732711139326078!