I also like the introductions idea...

I have been working with NC State's VCL team for a little over a year now and have been working for the university for 8 years. I began as a systems programmer for the university's central computing unit. My duties included system administration and programming, mainly to support the campus Novell/NDS infrastructure. I wrote the account management system used on campus and other utilities related to file system provisioning and user accounts. I gradually became responsible for Windows application delivery to campus. We decided to move from NDS to Active Directory in 2006, and I was a project manager and co-architect of the AD migration.

I had been familiar with VCL and knew a little bit about its rapid success and adoption before joining the team. Since then, I have been nothing short of amazed with what Aaron and Josh have created in a short amount of time. My role has been code development for the backend management node side of VCL.

I live in Raleigh and have been here for 10 years. I grew up in the Chicago area. I decided to attend NC State in 1998. I graduated in 2001 with a BS in computer science and in 2005 from the MBA program.

I enjoy running, spending time with my girlfriend, and wallowing in the sorrow of being a Chicago Cubs fan. I have a yellow lab named Wrigley, who coincidentally enough also enjoys running and loves the Cubs.

I am very excited about the opportunity to foster a much larger VCL community as part of the ASF.


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