Sorry for the delay.  I have been trying to keep up with the questions on
the vcl-dev list but this one was sent directly to me and got filtered into
another folder so I missed it.  Please send all messages to the list so that
the info can be shared by others encountering the same problems.

Kalina Spasova wrote:

> I am sorry but I have some questions that have risen from using the
> Standalone Vmware installation.
> Now every time I try to make an reservation the vcld daemon gets stuck into
> a loop like the following.
> 2010-03-15 19:53:15|4455|31:31|new|vmware.pm:load(868)|sshd is NOT active
> on
> I know that the problem is in the Cygwin but the thing is that in order to
> make Cygwin to work I have added the currently assigned IP address into the
> host table. Probably this is not the proper way to do it. and maybe this is
> causing the mistake and then I've configured the ethernet adaptor to get
> its
> IP via DHCP. Which brings me to my next question.

Yes, this loop where it's getting stuck is happening because the Cygwin SSHD
service never responds on the VM.

 In the Standalone instructions the DHCP is configured to serve only vmnet1
> so I decided to assign static IP addresses to the computer in order to get
> access to the internet, however, when I managed to capture an image from
> Manage imaged -> Create/Update images the newly created vm'root password is
> not the one given by the RPD file and I think this is not the image vcl is
> refering to.  It gives me prompt only for the root password.

I'm not exactly sure what you changed between reservation 31 and 32.
Reservation 31 never got past the "sshd is NOT active" loop?  The
reservation 32 output you have included below appears to show everything
working correctly.

How did you assign static IP addresses?  If you manually configured a static
IP address in the image before it was captured then it would be erased
during image capture.  VCL sets both the public and private interfaces to
use DHCP before an image is captured.

Do you use DHCP on the public network or do you need to assign static
addresses?  If static, you can configure vcld.conf so that VCL assigns
static public IP addresses to the VM when it comes up by setting the
following lines:
DNSserver=<IP address>
GATEWAY=<IP address>

VCL will manually assign the value in computer.ipaddress after an image is
loaded if you configure vcld.conf this way.  If you use DHCP for your public
addresses, then ipconfiguration should be set to  dynamicDHCP.

I'm not sure what you mean regarding the passwords and the RDP file.  Since
reservation 31 is never completely loaded, you would not have an RDP file
for that reservation.  Are you referring to the RDP file and password you
used when the image was captured?  If so, then this will certainly not work.
 You can disregard any password given out in the connection info page or RDP
file once that previous reservation is done.

When an image is captured, VCL sets the password of the root and
Administrator accounts in the image to the value configured in the vcld.conf
file.  After the image comes up and SSHD responds, VCL then assigns a random
password to theses accounts.  You can figure out what this random password
is by finding the section where it gets set in the vcld.log file.

Since SSHD never responds for reservation 31, the passwords are never
randomized and an additional account for the reservation is never added to
the machine. The passwords for root and Administrator should be the value
set in vcld.conf. If this isn't working, view the vcld.log output when the
image was captured. The passwords get set pretty early on.  It should show
what they were set to.

 And one last question during the capture the output says that the
> reservation remote IP is not defined. where should I define it?
> 20:04:55|7360|32:32|reserved|DataStructure.pm:get_reservation_remote_ip(956)|reservation
> remote IP is not defined
> And this goes on and on for a long time

You never have to set this.  The remote IP is the IP of the machine you are
connecting to the VM from.  It gets collected when you click on "Connect"
from the web page.  The output you have included below shows this to be
working correctly.  The "reservation remote IP is not defined" loop stops
when you click Connect.  As shown below, it retrieved your IP and then

> remote IP for reservation 32:

Everything else looks correct, it then proceeds to loop until you connect
via RDP:

 2010-03-15 20:08:58|7360|32:32|reserved|reserved.pm:process(376)|forimaging
> flag is set to 1 and imageosname is vmwarewinxp, checking for connection by
> administrator
> 2010-03-15 20:08:58|7360|32:32|reserved|utils.pm:
> check_connection(1765)|checking
> for connection by administrator on vmguest-2, attempt 1
> 2010-03-15 20:08:58|7360|32:32|reserved|utils.pm:
> run_ssh_command(6180)|executing
> SSH command on vmguest-2:
> |7360|32:32|reserved| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
> vmguest-2 'netstat -an' 2>&1
> 2010-03-15 20:09:19|7360|32:32|reserved|utils.pm:
> check_connection(1765)|checking
> for connection by administrator on vmguest-2, attempt 2
> 2010-03-15 20:09:19|7360|3

You should have been able to log on for this reservation using the
information presented on the page after you clicked Connect.  This wasn't


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