
Clearing the cache fixed the other browsers.

As far as the tab issue goes, I thought it might have been a typo before, but 
perhaps you have a table I do not (usergrouppriv).

So I did the following instead:

INSERT INTO userpriv (usergroupid, privnodeid, userprivtypeid) VALUES (3, 4, 1)

3 being the admin group and 4 being the admin privilege node.

Does that explain the result I got?


On Jun 2, 2011, at 9:05 AM, Josh Thompson wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Patrick,
> That sounds more like a browser cache issue.  I've tested the site using 
> Safari and Chrome and found everything to work correctly.  Can you try 
> clearing your cache in Safari and Chrome and then logging in a again?
> I'm also confused that granting yourself the one privilege I mentioned gave 
> you access to manage block allocations.  It should have granted you the 
> ability to give yourself the needed permission to manage block allocations 
> rather than actually granting that permission directly.
> If you have a chance today, can you go to our IRC room so I can help you with 
> this?  I really don't think it's a bug but rather that your browsers are in a 
> strange state.  However, I'd like to know for sure.  The IRC room is #asfvcl 
> on freenode.
> Josh
> On Wednesday June 01, 2011, James Patrick Sigmon wrote:
>> Thanks Josh,
>> That enabled the privilege I needed to manage the block reservations. 
>> However, it didn't create any tabs under the Privilege page.  I also
>> didn't notice the change to the Block Allocations page until I logged in
>> through Firefox.  This applies to a few other components too.  I can see
>> them in Firefox but not in Safari or Chrome.  For example, I can't see the
>> max concurrent reservations label or textbox under Safari or Chrome, but
>> can in Firefox.
>> Is this a know issue?  Should I create a jira issue for this?
>> Thanks again,
>> Patrick
>> On Jun 1, 2011, at 9:43 AM, Josh Thompson wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Patrick,
>>> Yes, that is a new feature in 2.2.1.  There were some parts of the site
>>> you didn't see unless your account had user.adminlevelid set to 3.  I
>>> finally replaced that with an interface on the privileges page.  There
>>> are additional permissions that can be assigned per user group but that
>>> don't make sense having assigned at any specific nodes in the privilege
>>> tree.
>>> If you're not seeing the additional tab, you need to create an entry in
>>> the usergrouppriv table.  Find the id of a usergroup of which you are a
>>> member and then create an entry in that table using userprivtypeid = 1. 
>>> As an example, if you are a member of a usergroup whose id is 5, you
>>> would do
>>> INSERT INTO usergrouppriv (usergroupid, userprivtypeid) VALUES (5, 1)
>>> After doing that, you'll probably need to log out and then back in. 
>>> Then, you'll see the additional tab on the privileges page.
>>> Josh
>>> On Tuesday May 31, 2011, James Patrick Sigmon wrote:
>>>> Hey Josh,
>>>> I'm not seeing any tabs under Privileges (nor do I remember there being
>>>> any).  Is this a new feature (2.2.1)?
>>>> -Patrick
>>>> On May 27, 2011, at 8:18 AM, Josh Thompson wrote:
>>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>>> Patrick,
>>>>> It sounds like you don't have the 'Manage Block Allocations' User Group
>>>>> Permission.  Go to Privileges, select the 'Additional User Permissions'
>>>>> tab, select an admin user group of which you are a member, check the
>>>>> 'Manage Block Allocations' permission, and click 'Save Selected
>>>>> Permissions'.
>>>>> Josh
>>>>> On Thursday May 26, 2011, James Patrick Sigmon wrote:
>>>>>> Hey guys,
>>>>>> I want to accept a block allocation request but all I can do is view
>>>>>> them, even when following the link in the email that directs me to
>>>>>> where I should be able to accept/reject them.  How do I go about doing
>>>>>> this?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Patrick Sigmon
>>>>> - --
>>>>> - -------------------------------
>>>>> Josh Thompson
>>>>> VCL Developer
>>>>> North Carolina State University
>>>>> my GPG/PGP key can be found at
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>>>>> FZwAnA5i2rhIcLOZSObogrbQHgL/cgaM
>>>>> =hKGE
>>>>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
>>> - --
>>> - -------------------------------
>>> Josh Thompson
>>> VCL Developer
>>> North Carolina State University
>>> my GPG/PGP key can be found at
>>> Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)
>>> XLcAn36nbb4SZf8GM5prBfSty90YQMsv
>>> =q1oK
>>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> - -- 
> - -------------------------------
> Josh Thompson
> VCL Developer
> North Carolina State University
> my GPG/PGP key can be found at
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)
> MfEAmgJ/fNEwvUNmuT/wCkiOJGY+reg+
> =vb6y

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