Darren J Moffat wrote:

>>>DJM-2 2.7.2 ACLs for usb etc devices
>>>Are you saying that if user "bob" logins in on vt1 and
>>>user "alice" logins on vt2 then there will be an ACL of
>>>both of them on the audio and usb devices ?
>>Right. Actually at the begining, we wanted to group
>>all these devices (add a console group in the system,
>>and dynamically add/remove the logged in user into
>>the console group upon logging in/out. But ACL seems
>>better than group, so we chose ACL. [it was recommeded
>>by Casper Dik.]
> I agree that an ACL is much better than using a group.
> However see below for what appears to be a TX and
> device allocation interaction.
>>>I don't think this is a good idea.  I'm also concerned
>>>about how this interacts with device allocation and
>>>Trusted Extensions.
>>We don't see any impact on the device allocation
>>and Trusted Extensions.
> What label are the vt devices running at when TX is
> enabled ?
> What happens in this (on TX) case:
> User bob logs in graphically with gdm/dtlogin and allocates
> the audio device.  This means that the audio device
> should only able available to bob.
> Now User alice does a login to /dev/vt2, from what you
> said above there would be an ACL added for Alice even
> though the device is owned by bob because allocate(1M)
> changed the ownership.

TX does not allow users to log in via console and virtual

> That seems wrong and completely counter to the whole
> purpose of device allocation.

The changes to logindevperm should be independent on

> So I believe you do have interaction with device allocation.  At least
> based on the documentation you have provided, or some
> how it isn't clear to me how this works with
> device allocation.
>>>Please ask the security community to review this whole
>>>proposal for possible interactions with Trusted Extensions.
>>Right. We talked it with people who're working Trusted Extensions
>>before, and they don't have any issue. But since we changed
>>the spec, we should communicate with them again.
> So what was the answer about the label of the vt devices ?
> Was it that they are ADMIN_LOW (or maybe ADMIN_HIGH) and
> the TX PAM modules ensure that users can't login ?  If
> so that sounds okay.  However that would mean that /dev/vt#
> is part of the Trusted Path I think.  I'm not sure that
> is desirable in all cases.

Any way, we'll look further and communicate with TX guys in
security community.

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