On 12 February 2015 12:37:25 PM AEST, Tom Roche <tom_ro...@pobox.com> wrote:
>Bruce Schultz Thu, 12 Feb 2015 12:16:46 +1000 [1]
>> Your details below look way too complicated, I suspect you're trying
>to make it too complex.
>Did you actually *read* my post[2], or just scan it? Given that you're
>using an Android client, I suspect the latter.

>There's only one innovation in my proposal, the "fake root." The length
>is just due to providing a usecase/scenario ... but you might have
>missed that:-)

I have no clue how to get git to do what you propose in your TODO sections, 

>> you seem to have ~/.bashrc in both your bash and emacs vcsh repos.
>That is going to cause trouble. You only ever want a specific file in
>one vcsh repo.
>Arrggghhhh: ~/.bashrc is obviously relevant to my `bash` config, but it
>also has `emacs`-configuration bits.

Maybe a ~/.bashrc.emacs and source that from the real .bashrc if it exists?


>FWIW, Tom Roche <tom_ro...@pobox.com>
>vcs-home mailing list

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