Clemens Kirchgatterer wrote:
> Matthias Schniedermeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I'd say the only downside of the Linux support kills it as a VDR
>>platform. Graphic is NOT accelerated.
>>That's the only downside i'm aware of, and i can understand Sony a
>>little in this point. Otherwise all game developers could just skip
>>paying licensing royalties and just develop for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> but why should this matter for multimedia (video) applications? ok, we
> (most likely) don't have hardware accelerated xvmc, but 6 vector cores
> to do it in software.

Video is inherently bandwith intensive.
At least (for PAL):
720x576x4x25 = about 40MB/s (*)
1920x1080x4x25 = about 200MB/s

And that's taking aside ANY of the other processing. Decoding, IDCT,
YUV->RGB transformation and so on. Also taking aside the total bandwith
killer, when you have to scale the material.

AFAICT the vector cores COULD(*2) help you with the first parts, but the
rest has to be done by the 3(,?)Ghz RISC PPC-CPU and shoveling that much
data back and forth may be a bit much, without any acceleration.
But on the other side the PS3 systems is supposed to have an impressing
memory-bandwith, which could rescue the day.

So unless someone tries there is no way to be sure, but for the time
beeing i'm sceptical.

- SDTV maybe
- HDTV no way without acceleration

x4 isn't a typo. Most systems use 32 bit per color. 24 bit "packed"
format isn't used anymore AFAIK.

If you have software that can use the SPUs, but unless someone writes a
Decoder-Library with SPU support you can only use the Main-CPU.

Bis denn

Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as
bad a concept in Text Editors as it is in women. No, the Real Programmer
wants a "you asked for it, you got it" text editor -- complicated,
cryptic, powerful, unforgiving, dangerous.

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