mag video # equery uses vdr
[ Searching for packages matching vdr... ]
[ Colour Code : set unset ]
[ Legend : Left column  (U) - USE flags from make.conf              ]
[        : Right column (I) - USE flags packages was installed with ]
[ Found these USE variables for media-video/vdr-1.5.13 ]
 U I
 - - cmdsubmenu        : Allows the creation of submenus in the commands menu
 + + cutterlimit       : Limit IO bandwith used for cutting
 + + cutterqueue       : Adds a queue of recordings to be cutted
 - - cuttime           : Adjust starttime of cutted recording by
length of cut out parts
 - - ddepgentry        : remove duplicate EPG entries
 - - debug             : Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts
and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see
 - - dolbyinrec        : add a dedicated switch to control recording
of dolby digital
 + + dvbplayer         : Use some special mpeg-repacker features. Most
usable for old recordings or software output devices.
 + + dvbsetup          : Setup for AC3 transfer, disable primary tuner
 - - dvdarchive        : DMH DVD - Archiv ( used by vdr-burn-0.1.0_* )
 - - dvdchapjump       : Jump on capitels on DMH DVD - Archiv
 - - dvlfriendlyfnames : filter file names on recording
 - - dvlrecscriptaddon : enhancement for record-script
 - - dvlvidprefer      : controls video-dir choice on recording
 + + graphtft          : support for grapftft plugin up from vdr-graphtft-0.1.7
 - - hardlinkcutter    : Speed up cutting by hardlinking unchanged files
 - - iptv              : Enables support for vdr-iptv
 - - jumpplay          : Enables automatic jumping over cut marks
while watching a recording
 - - liemikuutio       : Formerly known as AIO (all-in-one) patch,
adds some nice must haves
 - - lircsettings      : Allows to change lirc settings delay, freq
and timeout values in OSD
 - - livebuffer        : does timeshifting/background recording all
the time, allows to rewind live TV
 - - lnbshare          : Enables support for two or more dvb cards
sharing the same cable to the lnb
 + + mainmenuhooks     : Allows to replace main menu entries by some
special plugins (like epgsearch, extrecmenu, ...)
 + + menuorg           : Enables support for the menuorg-plugin
 + + noepg             : Adds code to selectively disable
epg-reception for specific channels
 - - osdmaxitems       : Support for text2skin
 - - pinplugin         : Support for pin plugin
 - - premiereepgfix    : <unknown>
 - - rotor             : Enable support for plugin vdr-rotor for
 - - settime           : set system time per script instead of via syscal
 - - setup             : Enable support for the plugin vdr-setup
 - - sortrecords       : allows to change sort order of recordings
 - - sourcecaps        : Adds the ability to define capabilities of
dvb-cards (e.g. card1 can receive Sat @28.2E)
 - - submenu           : Enable support for the plugin vdr-submenu.
 - - syncearly         : start live display as soon as possible, not
waiting for sync of audio and video
 - - timercmd          : Adds submenu for user defined commands in timer menu
 - - timerinfo         : Show with chars +/- if space on HD will
suffice for a timer
 - - ttxtsubs          : <unknown>
 - - validinput        : Signal if it is possible to go left/right in
lists with chars < >
 - - vanilla           : Do not add extra patches which change default
behaviour; DO NOT USE THIS ON A GLOBAL SCALE as the severity of the
meaning cha
nges drastically
 - - volctrl           : allows volume control using left/right keys
 - - wareagleicon      : Replace original icon set in menu
 - - yaepg             : Enables support for the plugin vdr-yaepg

patches used:
cutterlimit, cutterqueue, dvbplayer, dvbsetup, graphtft,
mainmenuhooks, menuorg, noepg

gentoo: overlay vdr-1.5


On 08/02/2008, Klaus Schmidinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 02/08/08 16:32, Theunis Potgieter wrote:
> > I am using vdr-1.5.13
> >
> > - start vdr and switch to encrypted channel
> > - set timer on encrypted channel one minute in advance from current time
> > - switch to same Transponder with FTA channel, in my situation a radio 
> > channel
> > - once the timer started I cannot switch back to the encrypted channel
> > with message channel is not available. In the recordings list it shows
> > the file but in 0 size.
> > - stop timer is the only way to switch back to encrypted channel.
> >
> > Theunis
> I did this now, and it also worked just fine.
> Are you using a "plain vanilla" VDR, or are there any patches involved?
> Klaus
> > On 08/02/2008, Klaus Schmidinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I tried to reproduce this here, but everything worked fine.
> >> Here's what I did:
> >>
> >> - start VDR with only a single FF card with one CAM
> >> - switch to an encrypted channel
> >> => channel displays in live mode
> >> - start a recording on that channel
> >> => recording successful
> >> - switch to an FTA channel on the same transponder
> >> => channel displays in live mode
> >> - start a recording on that channel
> >> => recording successful
> >>
> >> At this point I had two recordings running on the same transponder,
> >> one with an encrypted channel and one FTA.
> >>
> >> This also worked the other way round (first recording FTA, then encrypted).
> >>
> >> This was done with the version 1.5.13 code base.
> >>
> >> Does the problem still persist on your system with VDR 1.5.13?
> >>
> >> Klaus
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