Davide Cavalca wrote:
> Il giorno dom, 10/02/2008 alle 18.32 +0100, Stefan Wagner ha scritto: 
>>>> ProjectX 0.90.4.b22 works with vdr 1.5.x recordings.
>>> Just tried the last cvs, it still fails to process subtitles, getting
>>> stuck in a loop with message "suppic unknown cmd: 44" as the previous
>>> version I tested.
>> i have only test with dvb-subtitles from german broadcast station zdf
> My recordings are from BBC Prime.
>> its possible, the patch is only for zdf:
>> http://forum.dvbtechnics.info/showthread.php?t=4920 (sorry in german)
> I read the log posted there, it fails with "suppic unknown cmd: 208",
> while mine is 44; probably the patch implements only "command 208"...

I noticed that Project-X is able to handle only subtitles within subID 
0x20. I have a recording with subtitles with subIDs 0x20 and 0x21 and 
demuxing fails with "command 248". If I restrict Project-X to subID 
0x20, I am able to demux that recording too. Unfortunately this means 
that the second subtitle stream cannot be demuxed. Is this related to 
the TODO Klaus has marked for 0x21 in dvbsubtitle.c?


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