Le mardi 05 janvier 2010 à 00:14 +0300, Goga777 a écrit :
> > I wish we could get away from xine. 
> how ? does it possible at all ?

softdevice uses ffmpeg with DirectFB, and works wonderfully ("worked",
in my case). Lack of X11 brings a lot of little improvements. In a pure
STB setup, X11 is really useless, so why not just get rid of it. Xine
have also lots of useless features for a STB.
The only problem is that display drivers are well maintained in Xorg,
but framebuffer drivers used by DirectFB may not be maintained as much. 

I switched from softdevice to xineliboutput because I was tired of
patching/recompiling the kernel/DirectFB/softdevice/etc with framebuffer
fixes. The net result with xineliboutput is that I can use binary
packages (e-tobi), which brings visual artifacts and crashes.

Maybe current Intel framebuffer/DirectFB drivers are OK with that
Broadcom chip (re. deinterlacing, scaling, etc.), reviving the general
interest with softdevice ?


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